Hello there! Thanks for stopping by. We have a few new updates to our store! (1/15/2024)
We are in the process of moving over many more clothing items and accessories from our Poshmark store to this website! View our FULL store here at: Foxiedeals (Holynabz) Store!
We at Foxiedeals are working on all sorts of awesome store updates to bring you more amazing deals and clothing sections. If you see an item that is cheaper or is available on our Poshmark store you would like price matched (and/or) moved to this website to be available for purchase, kindly contact us VIA Our Contact Page and we'd be happy to help you out. Also click the button below to check out a list of updates we've done.
- We added a special promotions page! Check it out at our drop down menus or by going to the previous blog post here.
- Our Foxiedeals.com logo was updated/revamped to be more high quality.
- We changed the type of store from a NWT (New with tag store) to a boutique store, (brand new items with tags but often shipped directly from the manufacturer to us to you). Everything will now be shipped with pristine care and with more updated promotions and product variety available for purchase.
- Our Instant answers list under the Live chat icon has been updated/fixed with more common questions and information available. As always we are available to answer any other question(s) you have if you do not see the information posted under our Policies or Instant answers.